Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Payne Onboard Resolution Against Gender-Based Violence in Guatemala!

I just heard from Congressman Donald Payne's office that he has agreed to cosponsor H.Res. 1081, which condemns the ongoing violence against women in Guatemala and calls upon the Guatemalan government to take action to protect women.

This is especially good news because H.Res. 1081 is currently before the International Relations Committee, of which Payne is a member.

Thanks to everyone who contacted him about this issue!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Update: Congressman Rush Holt Supports H.Res. 1081

I have just heard that Congressman Rush Holt (NJ-12) has agreed to cosponsor the resolution condemning the epidemic of violence against women in Guatemala (H.Res. 1081).

Amnesty is very grateful to everyone who contacted Holt's office about this issue!

Larry Ladutke,
NJ Legislative Coordinator

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Support House Resolution on Violence Against Women in Guatemala!

Earlier this year, activists across the country helped secure passage of congressional resolutions calling upon the Mexican government to thoroughly investigate the hundreds of unsolved murders of women in Ciudad Juarez and Chihuahua and to punish the perpetrators.

Many U.S. citizens have not been aware, however, of the epidemic of gender-based violence in Mexico’s southern neighbor, Guatemala. OVER TWO THOUSAND Guatemalan women and girls have been abducted, raped, mutilated, and murdered since 2001. Nonetheless, there have been very few arrests—and even fewer convictions—in these cases. In fact, the rate at which women are being killed has increased during the past five years.

The good news is that Congressman Dan Burton has introduced a resolution calling on the Guatemalan government to take meaningful action to stop violence against women. Please call your representative and urge him to cosponsor H.Res.1081. Please call NOW because a vote may take place in less than two weeks. You can find out the contact information for your representative by entering your zip code at

Amnesty has also set up an online action.

I will let you know if a similar resolution is introduced in the Senate.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

House Parties against Torture (Outlawed documentary)

As you know, the problems of torture and “extraordinary rendition” (outsourcing torture) have been compounded by the recent “military commissions” legislation. This law allows testimony and “confessions” obtained through physical, mental and emotional abuse to be used as “evidence.” It also shields those conducting torture from prosecution.

Amnesty International has responded by launching the America I Believe In campaign to support our nation’s core values of democracy and the rule of law. As part of this campaign, activists across the country are hosting house parties featuring the Witness documentary Outlawed. This short but powerful DVD features the testimony of prisoners who were disappeared and tortured as part of the current “war on terror.”

Please sign up to host a viewing at your home! As the Legislative Coordinator for NJ, I would be happy to help out. You can reach me at

You can also find out if someone has already scheduled a house party in your area.

Larry Ladutke
NJ Legislative Coordinator