Friday, April 10, 2009

Star-Ledger Letter on Current Accountability Campaign

The Star-Ledger published my letter (below) on Amnesty's current push for Congress to investigate human rights violations by the previous administration. Please call your Congressman and both Senators if you have not done so already!

I'll be meeting with Congressman Albio Sires on Tuesday!


Thank you for printing the op-ed piece by Leonard Pitts Jr. criticizing the previous administration's willingness to sacrifice the honor of the nation's Constitution for the "fool's gold" of false security ("We sacrificed our honor for what?" April 5).

Pitts' comparison of the Bush administration's anti-terrorist policies to Major Frank Burns' witch hunts on the television program "M*A*S*H" was very apt. I would like to suggest another show on which to model our future: "Law & Order." Every episode involves a thorough investigation of the crime and the prosecution of those found responsible.

Amnesty International is calling upon Congress to support the creation of an independent commission to investigate abuses committed in the "war on terror." Given that Attorney General Eric Holder has stated that some of the alleged abuses during the previous administration amounted to torture, Congress should also call upon his office to investigate and punish those responsible.

-- Larry Ladutke, Weehawken

Monday, April 06, 2009

Urge Congress to Investigate Torture and Establish Accountability

This week and next week, activists across the country are meeting with their Senators and Representatives to urge them to investigate torture and human rights abuses committed during the “war on terror” and to hold those responsible accountable for their actions. This is the only way that we can find out the full extent of the crimes that were committed and prevent them from happening again.

Even if you are not taking part in one of these meetings, however, you can help by calling the office of your Congressman and both of our state’s Senators. Please tell them that you would like them to:

1) Establish a non-partisan commission of distinguished Americans to examine, and provide a comprehensive report on, policies and actions related to the detention, treatment, and transfer of detainees after 9/11 and the consequences of those actions, and to make recommendations for future policy in this area.

2) Call on Attorney General Eric Holder to launch a criminal investigation that U.S. engaged in torturing detainees and to hold those responsible for such conduct accountable.

3) Introduce or support a Dear Colleague letter calling on the administration to immediately produce and publish all the relevant policy memos which argued for and established the basis for coercive interrogation, detainee treatment and policy in the last administration.

You can reach Senator Lautenberg’s office at (202) 224-3224. The number for Senator Menendez’s office is (202) 224-4744.

You can find out the name and contact information for your Representative by entering the zip code where you are registered to vote at