Friday, April 10, 2009

Star-Ledger Letter on Current Accountability Campaign

The Star-Ledger published my letter (below) on Amnesty's current push for Congress to investigate human rights violations by the previous administration. Please call your Congressman and both Senators if you have not done so already!

I'll be meeting with Congressman Albio Sires on Tuesday!


Thank you for printing the op-ed piece by Leonard Pitts Jr. criticizing the previous administration's willingness to sacrifice the honor of the nation's Constitution for the "fool's gold" of false security ("We sacrificed our honor for what?" April 5).

Pitts' comparison of the Bush administration's anti-terrorist policies to Major Frank Burns' witch hunts on the television program "M*A*S*H" was very apt. I would like to suggest another show on which to model our future: "Law & Order." Every episode involves a thorough investigation of the crime and the prosecution of those found responsible.

Amnesty International is calling upon Congress to support the creation of an independent commission to investigate abuses committed in the "war on terror." Given that Attorney General Eric Holder has stated that some of the alleged abuses during the previous administration amounted to torture, Congress should also call upon his office to investigate and punish those responsible.

-- Larry Ladutke, Weehawken

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