Thursday, June 28, 2007

Media Coverage of Bloomfield Demonstration on Habeas Corpus

In addition to everyone who turned out to rally and lobby in support of habeas corpus in Washington, activists across the country took part in the day of action in their home communities. It is great to see that the Star Ledger covered the demonstration organized by the Amnesty members from Bloomfield High School and their local allies! You can read more about it at Young local activists stand up for global justice.

Thanks again to everyone who has helped out—and please keep up the pressure!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Report from the Day of Action in DC

Yesterday, I joined roughly four thousand activists from all fifty states to tell Congress to restore the right to habeas corpus and undo other damage created by the Military Commissions Act of 2006. I rode down in a packed bus that left New York City around 6:00 a.m. We arrived in DC shortly before 11:00. The rally in the Upper Senate Park went very well. It was especially great to hear from Members of Congress who have taken the lead by introducing the legislation we were there to support. Sister Dianna Ortiz’s testimony as a torture survivor was both moving and helpful in preparing for the lobbying visits later in the day. And, as usual, it was great to hear from Amnesty’s Executive Director, Larry Cox.

Following the rally, everyone broke into state delegations to coordinate the afternoon of lobbying. Those of us from New Jersey all met with Senator Robert Menendez at 2:00. There were so many constituents involved that the meeting had to take place on the steps of the Capitol! The Senator also discussed ideas he has for advancing S 576 (The Restoring the Constitution Act).

As you may recall, Amnesty was especially eager to meet with Congressman Robert Andrews’s office. Unfortunately, however, there was no meeting scheduled. I stopped by his office with one of his constituents and dropped off some relevant AI literature, but the staff person we needed to speak with was not there.

I then joined a meeting with Congressman Rush Holt’s office that was already in progress. As you may know, Holt had already agreed to cosponsor HR 1415 and HR 1416. The room was packed with his grateful constituents. They were also interested in learning more about Holt’s new role heading an intelligence panel on the Appropriations Committee. While Congressman Holt was tied up during most of the meeting, he was able to stop by and briefly speak with us.

At 3:30, I met with my own Representative, Albio Sires. The meeting went well. He indicated that he shared our concerns and promised to look into the legislation.

My final meeting of the day was with Congressman Scott Garrett’s office. Unfortunately, a change of schedule prevented Garrett from joining us himself. I joined several of Garrett’s constituents a large group of high school students from Elizabeth in a meeting with the appropriate member of his staff. She informed us that Garrett believes that he did was correct to vote for the Military Commissions Act, but would listen to our concerns.

Thanks to everyone who made it to DC yesterday! Your participation showed our state’s congressional delegation just how important habeas corpus and other human rights issues are to the people of New Jersey.

Those of you who were unable to come yesterday can still help out! Please call your Representative and urge him to cosponsor the Restoring the Constitution Act (HR 1415) and the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act (HR 1416)! If possible, try to set up an in-district meeting with him during the upcoming 4th of July holiday recess—and please feel free to contact me at for help!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

National Week of Action to Restore Habeas Corpus!

The national week of action to restore Habeas Corpus is here! Activists across the country are meeting with their House and Senator offices to urge them to support legislation restoring the right to habeas corpus and correcting other provisions of the Military Commissions Act that undermine the rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution. On Tuesday, Amnesty will help bring activists down to Washington, DC for a demonstration and day of lobbying!

These efforts will be even more successful, of course, if activists such as you call Congess and ask them to support HR 1416 (The Restoring Habeas Corpus Act) and HR 1415 (The Restoring the Constitution Act). You can find out the name and contact information of your House member by entering your zip code at

Congressmen Rush Holt and Steve Rothman are the only two New Jersey House members who have already signed on. We especially need calls from Congressman Robert Andrews’s constituents!

You can refer to the recent Associated Press Article, “Army Officer Says Gitmo Panels Flawed,” which gives Lt. Colonel Stephen Abraham’s inside account of the need to reestablish the judicial oversight built into our nation’s system of checks and balances.

Please also remind your congressional office that Tuesday is the International Torture Victims and Survivors Day. Without the right to habeas corpus, prisoners are unable to challenge the conditions of their detention, even if they amount to torture. The Military Commissions Act also allows the use of unreliable information gathered through techniques that amount to torture.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Rush Holt Joins Steven Rothman in Supporting the Restoration of Habeas Corpus!

Congressman Rush Holt [NJ-12] has become the second House member from New Jersey to support Hr 1415, the Restoring the Constitution Act of 2007, and HR 1416, the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act of 2007! These two bills would reverse much of the damage created by the Military Commissions Act, including the denial of habeas corpus—the basic right to challenge one’s detention before an independent court—to non-citizens. Restoration of this right, in turn, would be a key step toward preventing further acts of torture and the other forms of cruel and inhumane treatment that have been committed at Guantanamo and other U.S.-run prisons.

It’s great to know that two of our state’s House members are already onboard this important legislation. ! If you live in either of their districts, please thank Congressmen Holt and Rothman! If you don’t, please help us convince the rest of New Jersey’s House members to join them! Amnesty is currently working with other human rights organizations for a week of mobilization in support of these bills, including rally and day of lobbying in Washington as well as meetings with local district offices. Click HERE to help out!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Busses to June 26th Habeas Action in DC

Amnesty is joining forces with the ACLU and other organizations to organize a day of rallying and lobbying in Washington, DC to restore the right to Habeas Corpus. The ACLU has posted information of free buses for those interested in going to DC.

There are buses leaving from the following loactions in New Jersey:

New Jersey: Newark/ElizabethDeparts: Tue. 6/26, 5:30am
Exact location to be determined
New Jersey: Trenton/PrincetonDeparts: Tue. 6/26, 5:30am
Exact location to be determined

Those of you in Northern Jersey might also consider taking a bus from NYC:

New York: New York City - 125 Broad StreetDeparts: Tue. 6/26, 5:00am
125 Broad Street No personal parking available
New York: New York City - Union SquareDeparts: Tue. 6/26, 5:00am
Union Square E. @ 16th St.No personal parking available
New York: New York City - Upper West SideDeparts: Tue. 6/26, 5:00am
Exact location to be determined No personal parking available

Those in Central/Southern Jersey may want to catch the bus from Pennsylvania:

Pennsylvania: PhiladelphiaDeparts: Tue. 6/26, 6:00am
Exact location to be determined No personal parking

Remember, we are also organizing in-district meetings with congressional offices during that week! You don't have to leave Jersey to help protect the U.S. Constitution.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

NYT Week in Review on Roots of Bush Administration Torture

The current Week in Review section of the New York Times has a good article on the origins of the torture and other inhumane “interrogation techniques” that the Bush Administration has used and defended as part of the “war on terror.” Not only does it show that the U.S. government copied these abusive methods from its former totalitarian rival, but also that it has a long track record of criticizing these methods as torture when used by the Soviet Union. You can read “They’ll Say Anything: Soviet-Style ‘Torture’ Becomes ‘Interrogation’” online.

Please remember that this is Torture Awareness Month! Amnesty is joining forces with other human rights groups to convince Congress to restore the right to habeas corpus, an essential safeguard against the practices described in this article. Click here to find out how you can help!