Tuesday, June 29, 2010

4 NJ Reps onboard the Global Moms Act

HR 5268 is aimed at reducing the epidemic of maternal mortality around the world. NJ cosponsors now include Payne, Sires, Rothman, and Holt!

Now let's get the rest of them onboard!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Tell Congress to Support Mexican Women Assaulted by Police

In 2006, dozens of women were reportedly sexually abused by police after being detained in a protest in San Salvador Atenco, Mexico. The Mexican Supreme Court and the Mexican Human Rights Commission have called for those responsible to be brought to justice, and a report from a Mexican federal government office has identified 34 state security agents responsible for abusing these women. Nonetheless, the state government has not moved forward.

Representatives Tammy Baldwin and Keith Ellison are circulating a letter calling on the federal government in Mexico to take action to bring the police agents who abused these women to justice. Please call your representative and urge him to join them by signing this letter.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Let’s Pass the International Violence Against Women Act!

It looks like the House of Representatives is almost ready to move forward on the International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA)! Amnesty International has been behind this legislation from the very start, along with a broad coalition of women’s groups, human rights organizations, humanitarian groups, and churches. It looks like the bill is going to be discussed and marked up later this month, and it is important that we get as many cosponsors onboard before that happens.

So far, New Jersey Congressmen Payne (District 10), Sires (District 13), and Holt (District 12) have signed on. Please thank them if you are one of their constituents.

If you live in another district, however, please call your representative’s office and urge him to cosponsor HR 4594, the International Violence Against Women Act. This legislation will coordinate our foreign policy efforts in the effort to end violence against women around the world, making them more efficient and effective.

It is especially important for you to call your representative if you live in districts 4 (Smith), 7 (Lance), or 11 (Frelinghuysen)!

Don’t know which district you live in? Go to www.house.gov and enter your zip code to get the name of your House Member and his office numbers!