Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Protect Central Americans Travelling Through Mexico!

Thanks to everyone who has been helping support the DREAM Act by calling Congress. Here is another important opportunity to help immigrants--many of who are robbed, raped, or killed on their way to the U.S. through Mexico.
Please call your Member of the House of Represenatives and urge him to sign a letter to Secretary of State Clinton being circulated by Representative Raul M. Gijalva. It calls on her to regularly incorporate the rights of migrants in Mexico as part of our diplomacy with the Mexican government. You can read a recent Amnesty International news release for background on this important issue!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Scaring the real monsters since 1961!

I created the stencil below on my computer and then carved a foam pumpkin from Michael's.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Help Save Troy Davis!

Please urge members of the Congressional Black Caucus and the Progressive Caucus to sign a letter against the execution of Troy Davis. The Supreme Court has allowed this execution to go forward despite substantial evidence that he may be innocent! NJ Congressman to contact include Rep. Payne (202-225-3436) and Rep. Pallone (202-225-4671). They can sign by contacting Scott Goldstein in the Office of Rep. Hank Johnson.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Support the Maternal Health Accountability Act!

Activists around the country are meeting with their local congressional offices to support the Maternal Health Accountability Act! These meetings will have a much bigger impact if Congress also hears about this issue from constituents like you! Please call your Representative's office and urge him to cosponsor HR 894!

Every day, 2 or 3 women die of pregnancy and childbirth related complications in the United States. Amnesty has found that the lack of reliable data contributes to this crisis. HR 894, the Maternal Health Accountability Act, will provide states with grants to collect and analyze this information!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Congressman Rothman onboard Maternal Heatlh Accountability Act

So far, only one New Jersey Congressman, Representative Rothman, has cosponsored the Maternal Health Accountability Act (HR 894), the legislation that Amnesty International is supporting during our week of lobbying on Maternal Mortality. Please help bring the rest onboard by arranging or taking part in a meeting with your Congressman’s office at!

During the last Congress, NJ Representatives Holt, Payne, Rothman, and Sires cosponsored one or both of the maternal health bills supported by Amnesty.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Help Amnesty prevent Maternal Mortality this Mothers’ Day!

Last year, Amnesty International released the Deadly Delivery report, establishing the alarming rate of maternal mortality and “near misses” in the United States. Since then, the U.S. performance on this issue has actually declined in comparison to other industrialized countries! The situation remains especially bad for African American women. Our Representatives and Congressmen are likely to be at their district offices sometime around Mothers’ Day. Amnesty activists across the country are going to be meeting them and/or their staff members to support legislation that would help improve maternal health care in the United States. We may also be supporting legislation to address this issue globally. You can sign up to coordinate a meeting with your Congressman’s or Senator’s local office . We are aiming to hold meetings during the period of April 29th through May 8th. Once we have some coordinators approved, you will be able to see a list of meetings being organized in your area.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Look for me at the AGM

I will be arriving in San Francisco on Thursday afternoon and taking the redeye back on Sunday. It would be great to meet more NJ activists.