Friday, May 16, 2008

Support NJ Representative Chris Smith’s Global Online Freedom of Information Act

I wanted to draw your attention to an action that listed in the May 2008 issue of Connect: supporting the Global Online Freedom Act of 2007. This legislation—which was introduced by New Jersey’s Chris Smith—would prevent U.S. internet companies from cooperating with repressive governments in their efforts to stifle freedom of expression.

Unfortunately, the need for this legislation is clearly demonstrated by the case of Shi Tao, a journalist who was sentenced to ten years after Yahoo! provided his identity to the Chinese government.

Please call the office of your House member and urge him to support H.R. 275, the Global Online Freedom Act of 2007. You can find the name and contact information for your House member by entering your zip code at

Amnesty has also set up an online action on this issue.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Update: 4 NJ Congressmen Sign Solis Letter on Sexual Violence in Mexico

The following NJ members of Congress have signed the letter calling upon the Mexican government to investigate the sexual abuse of Barbara Italia Mendez and other female protestors arrested in May of 2006 and punish those responsible:

Rush Holt
Donald Payne
Steven Rothman
Albio Sires

Congressman Chris Smith's office has indicated that he is planning to send his own letter about this matter.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Update on Barbara Italia Mendez Letter!

Congressmen Albio Sires and Steve Rothman have joined Donald Payne in signing the congressional letter asking the Mexican government to investigate the rape of Barbara Italia Mendez and twenty-five other women who were arrested after a protest in May 2006!

If you live in one of the remaining NJ congressional districts, please call your House member’s office ASAP to urge him to sign on to this important letter by contacting Congresswoman Hilda Solis’s office. TOMORROW, May 9th, is the deadline!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Update on Barbara Italia Mendez Letter and IVAWA

We have received the list of the first fifty House members that have agreed to sign the letter urging the Mexican government to fully investigate the sexual abuse of Barbara Italia Mendez and twenty-five other women after they were arrested at a demonstration in San Salvador Atenco in May 2006.

Thanks to Congressman Donald Payne for being the first member of the New Jersey delegation to sign this important letter! There is still time, however, for the others to join him. Please contact the office of your Congressman and urge him to sign the Barbara Italia Mendez letter by contacting Laura Marsh in Representative Hilda Solis’s office.

As you may recall, Amnesty recently asked House members to support the International Violence Against Women Act once it was introduced. On Thursday, Congressman Howard Berman introduced this legislation as HR 5927! Please contact your congressman’s office to let him remind him to support this important bill that would coordinate U.S. foreign policy programs to effectively fight gender-based violence by implementing the practices that our own government knows work best.