Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Online Actions on Military Commissions and Darfur

As you have probably heard, the House of Representatives has passed legislation creating military commissions that would set incredibly dangerous precedents in our country, including the use of hearsay and evidence obtained through torture (see below)! We therefore need to make sure that similar legislation does not make it through the Senate. Amnesty has set up an online action to make it easy for you to help! You can also reach Senator Lautenberg’s office at (202) 224-3224 and Senator Menendez’s at (202) 224-4744.

Amnesty has also set up a website to send messages to Congress in support of the “dear colleague” letter calling on the Arab League to persuade the Sudanese government to accept UN peacekeepers in Darfur. So far, Congressman Rush Holt has signed on to the letter being circulated by New Jersey’s Congressman Chris Smith. Keep those phone calls and online actions coming to get the rest of our state’s representatives and senators onboard!

Larry Ladutke
NJ Legislative Coordinator

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