Thursday, January 18, 2007

Online Action on Darfur!

This isn’t a legislative action, but I wanted to make sure everyone sees this. As you know, we all put in a lot of work into getting our Senators and Representatives to sign the Dear Colleague letter on Darfur in September. We need to follow up with some additional action to keep the pressure on the Sudanese government to allow UN peacekeepers in to protect civilians!

Larry Ladutke
NJ Legislative Coordinator, AIUSA

Dear friends,

We're days away from a Jan 22-30th summit where Africa's leaders will decide if the Government of Sudan will assume leadership of the African Union Assembly. Make sure the human-rights-violating government of Sudan doesn't chair the African Union putting them in a position to impede international peacekeepers from reaching Darfur. International peacekeepers are needed in Darfur to protect civilians.

Please click here to send an email today to ensure that Sudan doesn't chair the African Union and put civilians at risk!

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