Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Organize a Congressional Visit to End the Nightmare in Darfur!

As promised, here is the call for our April week of lobbying on Darfur!

Dear Supporter,

Last September, activists across the country met with their local congressional offices about murder, rape, forced displacement, and other ongoing atrocities in Darfur. As a result of their efforts, 174 members of the House of Representatives and all 100 senators signed a letter urging the Arab League to persuade the government of Sudan to allow UN peacekeepers to protect the civilian population of Darfur.

Despite some signs of yielding, President Omar Hassan al-Bashir has refused to give final permission to allow UN action. It is therefore essential that we increase the pressure.

One of the most important ways to do so is convincing China—Sudan's largest trading partner—that it can no longer turn a blind eye to the atrocities while conducting business as usual with Sudan. We are therefore mobilizing for a new round of meetings with local congressional offices to support a letter that will tell the Chinese government that it is paying a high price in terms of its international prestige by continuing to support Khartoum’s brutal campaign with money, military equipment, and tacit consent.

During the many times that I have visited my representatives’ offices on behalf of Amnesty, they have made it clear that constituents like us play an important role in setting their agenda. That’s why I am organizing a delegation to visit my congressman, Albio Sires, in April.

Please help us end the nightmare in Darfur by applying to lead a delegation to your local congressional office. Many of those who participated in the meetings last fall did not have any previous lobbying experience. Nevertheless, they made a huge difference. Amnesty International will provide training and resources to help make your visit successful.

Thank you,
Larry Ladutke
Volunteer Legislative Coordinator, New Jersey
Amnesty International USA

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