Friday, August 03, 2007

Support Senate Resolution on Violence Against Women in Guatemala!

This spring, activists from Amnesty International and other groups helped secure passage of H Res 100, a House resolution condemning the epidemic of violence against women in Guatemala and urging the Guatemalan government to take serious measures to protect women and girls.

Senator Bingaman (D-NM) has recently introduced a similar measure, S Res 178. Please call the offices of Senator Lautenberg (202-224-3224) and Senator Menendez (202-224-4744) and make the following points:

  1. Over 2,500 women and girls have been murdered in Guatemala since 2001.
  2. Many of them were also the victims of sexual violence.
  3. Few cases have been investigated, and even fewer have bee brought to trial. Only a handful of cases have resulted in the conviction of the killers.
  4. Please cosponsor Senator Binghamton’s S Res 178 to send a strong message to Guatemalan government that the U.S. Senate and its constituents value women’s lives and want to see justice done in these murders.

There is also an online action available.

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