Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Urgent: Congress to Vote on CIA Interrogation Rules

Please urge your member of the House of Representatives to support Section 327 of the Intelligence Authorization Bill. We are expecting a vote on this legislation TOMORROW, DECEMBER 12th. It would require the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other government institutions to observe the same interrogation rules as the U.S. military. This is especially important given the recent revelations that the CIA has destroyed video evidence of waterboarding (simulated drowning) and other so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques” that constitute torture and/or cruel and inhumane treatment.

You can find out the name and contact information for your representative by entering your zipcode at www.house.gov. Please call as early as possible tomorrow (Wednesday) morning!

Larry Ladutke
NJ Legislative Coordinator, AIUSA


NJCommonSenseSolutions said...

I was just wondering where were you guys when our guys were being beheaded in Iraq? I know that your organization has come out against torture i.e. playing loud music to terrorists, but I do not recall any press releases or statements condemning the acts of Americans being beheaded. The fact is that your organization is more of a political medium than a human rights advocate group, do you condemn Iran for their treatment of women? do you applaud the U.S. for being a beacon of hope to millions of immigrants around the world? Obviously I am the polar opposite of you, and we will not agree on this issue. I do support "inhanced interrogation techniques" not because I enjoy torturing innocents, but because it works and saves lives, the idea that the CIA or US gov't is out to torture musliums is ridiculous they are trying to protect what we all believe in, America. I look forward to your response.

Lawrence M. Ladutke said...

That's easy. Amnesty International immediately condemned the beheading of U.S. servicemen in Iraq. Amnesty International is against killing, torture, and other forms of cruel and inhumane treatment NO MATTER WHO is the perpetrator, NO MATTER WHO is the victim.

Go to Amnesty's web site and you will find LOTS of criticism of Iran, including violations of women's rights.

Unfortunately, torture "works" to give the terrorists an excuse to do things like behead and abuse U.S. servicemen.

Unfortunately, torture does not work to get reliable information--convince someone he is going to drown, and he will confess to causing earthquakes or assassinating President Lincoln.

Yes, the America that Amnesty members and myself believe in is a beacon of hope around the world. Unfortunately, however, our government's current policies have betrayed the fundamental values that our nation was founded on, such as due process and protection from cruel and unusual punishment.