Monday, April 16, 2007

Sen. Lautenberg Agrees to Sign Darfur Letter!

I still don't have any news on who has agreed to sign the House letter urging China to pressure the Sudanese government to accept UN peacekeepers. There is, however, good news about the Senate letter! 27 senators, including NJ Senator Frank Lautenberg, have said they will sign it! Amnesty International greatly appreciates his support for this important initiative and hopes that the rest of New Jersey's congressional delegation will follow his lead.

There's even more good news. Right before our week of lobbying official began, China started making statements about Sudanese President Al-Bashir's need to be more "flexible" on the issue of UN peacekeepers. Today, Al-Bashir announced that Sudan will allow 3,000 UN troops into the region. This is an important victory for EVERYONE who has worked to stop the killing in Darufr! It is not, however, enough! The Sudanese government has backed down from previous commitments, so it is important to keep up the pressure. Furthermore, while this is a very positive development, 3,000 troops will not be enough to protect the people of Darfur. Please call your representative and Senator Menendez to urge them to sign the letters to make sure that China follows through!

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