Sunday, April 08, 2007

Week of Lobbying on Darfur--Call Your Congressman and Senators!

Starting tomorrow (Monday, April 9th), activists across New Jersey and the rest of the nation will meet with their congressional offices to ask their Senators and Representatives to sign a letter urging the Chinese government to use its influence to facilitate the deployment of UN peacekeepers in Darfur.

You can support these efforts by calling your member of the House of Representatives to urge him to sign the letter being circulated by Congressman Tom Lantos. Please enter your zip code at if you need to find out who represents you and how you can contact his office!

As announced last week, Senators Joseph Biden and Richard Lugar are circulating a similar letter in their chamber. If you have not done so already, please call the offices of Senator Lautenberg (202-224-3224) and Senator Menendez (202-224-4744) and ask them to add their signatures!

Over the last year, the situation in Darfur has worsened. Only a strong message from Sudan’s closest allies—including China—will help bring improvement. Please help get peacekeepers on the ground to protect civilians and facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid as soon as possible!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with Joe Biden's stand on Darfur. Our soldiers should be helping to preserve life instead of destroying it. We need to regain our good international reputation by stopping these senseless killings.