Friday, January 18, 2008

The Peacekeepers Can't Protect Darfur Without OUR Help!

Last spring, activists across the nation met with their senators and congressmen to urge them to sign a letter urging the Chinese government to persuade Sudan to allow UN peacekeepers into Darfur. The mobilization was a success, and the joint UN-African Union peacekeeping force has begun to deploy.

Unfortunately, however, this is not enough to guarantee the safety of the people of Darfur. The peacekeeping force continues to faces obstacles from the Sudanese government as well as financial shortfalls that prevent it from carrying out its mission of ending the violence.

Amnesty International wants the U.S. government to help overcome these problems! We are organizing another week of lobbying at the end of February to ask members of the House and Senate to sign a letter urging Secretary of State Rice to increase pressure on the Sudanese government to cooperate with the peacekeeping force; contribute needed funds and equipment; and help convince our allies to do likewise.

You can volunteer to lead a delegation to your Congressman and/or Senator at Once again, Amnesty International will provide online training, phone conferences, and other resource to help prepare those chosen to lead delegations.

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