Monday, February 16, 2009

Urge the Senate to Investigate Abuses Under the Previous Administration

As you know, a lot has already been accomplished during the 100 Days of Action to urge the new administration to undue the damage to human rights, the U.S. Constitution, and the rule of law in the name of the “war on terror.” President Obama has ordered Guantanamo closed, banned torture, and ended the “extraordinary rendition” of prisoners to nations where they face abuse.

Our government must do more, however, and that means that WE must do more. This week, February 17-20, activists across the country are calling to urge the Senate to support the creation of a nonpartisan commission to investigate the torture and other forms of inhumane treatment prisoners that took during the previous administration. Yes, President Obama has taken some very important steps. We can not be sure, however, that these things will not happen again unless we have a full accounting of what actually happened.

The Bush Administration resisted every effort by Amnesty International and its allies to investigate these abuses through the Freedom of Information Act. Unfortunately, this is one area where the Obama Administration has not taken decisive action to restore our nation’s credibility and help prevent a repeat of these horrible mistakes.

Please call Senator Lautenberg and Senator Menendez and urge them to support the creation of a nonpartisan commission to investigate the abuses committed in the “war on terror.” Amnesty will even connect you to their offices if you enter your phone number at You may also contact Senator Lautenberg’s office directly at (202) 224-3224 and Senator Menendez’s office at (202) 224-4744.

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