Sunday, March 08, 2009

International Women’s Day/Protect Native American Women

As you probably know, today, March 8th, is International Women’s Day. Amnesty is marking this event with a week of phone calls to the Senate supporting to protect Native American women from violence.

In its 2007 Maze of Injustice report, Amnesty International found that Native American and Native Alaskan women were TWO AND A HALF TIMES MORE LIKELY to be raped or sexually assaulted than other women in the United States. It found that factors such as confusing and overlapping layers of bureaucracy and legislation; inadequate funding for law enforcement in the areas where they live; and lack of standards for the treatment of victims have left these women vulnerable and allowed their attackers to often remain unpunished.

The Tribal Law and Order Act of 2009 would directly address these factors and thus offer Native American women the same level of protection that most of us take for granted. Please contact the offices of Senator Frank Lautenberg (202-224-3224) and Senator Robert Menendez (202-224-4744) and urge them to support this important legislation. Everyone in our nation deserves to be protected by the law! No one should live in fear, especially not because of her gender or ethic background!

You can find more information, including a sample script, at You can even use this website to let us know that you called and tell us how the offices responded!

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