Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Urge Congress to Investigate “War on Terror” Abuses!

I hope you have all had a chance to call Senator Lautenberg and Senator Menendez in support of the Tribal Law and Order Act. If not, please do so soon!

The next thing on Amnesty International’s legislative agenda is encouraging Congress to investigate the abuses that took place during the previous administration. From April 6th to the 17th, activists across the country will meet with the offices of their Senators and Representatives to once again encourage them to do their job—performing oversight of the Executive Branch and thus ensuring that our constitutional system of checks and balances works!

We have planned this action to coincide with a congressional recess, a time in which Members of Congress are likely to be back in their home districts. That means that there is a good chance that you can meet with your Senator and/or Representative in person without having to travel to Washington!

You can sign up to lead a delegation . If you are approved, Amnesty will provide materials, online training, and a conference call to help you prepare yourself and train other members of your delegation.

You can also look for an existing delegation to join .

We don’t expect governments in countries like China and Iran to seriously investigate themselves and determine who is responsible for human rights violations. In democracy such as the United States, however, we should accept nothing less.

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